Following courses have been added in curriculum design for student Orrett Neil (UB78192MU87404) VON 286 | Vocals on Point - AIU Course | Business and Economics | English | /Dashboard/NewsLetterTemplateView?id=1183&lang=1 QUA 075 | Total Quality | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=Total%20Quality.html LDR 043 | Leadership and Direction | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=Leadership%20and%20Direction.html TAR 281 | The Art of Recording | School of Science and Engineering | English | /Dashboard/Phase2Course?CourseID=105952&lang=1 MAN 261 | Mixing And Mastering ( Professionally ) | School of Science and Engineering | English | /Dashboard/Phase2Course?CourseID=105954&lang=1 PSY 085 | Psychology | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=psy.html PSL 075 | Psychology of Learning | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=Psychology%20of%20Learning.html AHP 063 | The aspects of human personalities | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=The%20Aspects%20of%20Human%20Personalities.html EGR 023 | Earth and the Genetic Revolution | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=Earth%20and%20the%20Genetic%20Revolution.html WNT 095 | Wireless Networks | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=Wireless%20Networks.html PSC 079 | Political Science 100 | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=PoliticalScience100.html COA 025 | Coaching l | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=COACHING%20I.html ONB 056 | Online Business | | English | .../../OpenCourse?lang=1&fileName=Online%20Business.html